You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 13, 2020.

Greetings, my fellow port swillers!

Since Ol’ Robbo’s COVID-1984 ranting seems to be going over like a lead balloon here, I’ll change the subject and note that yesterday Eldest Gel turned in her final college assignment and is now a graduate-in-all-but-name.

While mentally limning out this post, it occurred to me that she was about six when I first started blogging.  Amazing how the time goes by.

Anyhoo, we celebrated by splurging for a family dinner of Hate-Fil-A.  Mmmmm….hate sammiches.  Mmmmm……fries of intolerance.  (We’ll do something a little more formal, of course, once the kerfluffle dies down.)

As to what’s next, well, that sort of comes around to being rant-worthy again, dunnit, because of course instead of stepping out into a booming economy as we once anticipated, she’s caught up in all this lockdown nonsense.  She had been accepted into a grad program for this fall but decided it wasn’t a path she wanted to take.  Back in early March, she’d started interviewing for a couple local place-holding jobs (tutoring and the like), but that is all suspended now.  In the meantime, she’s done a little electronic records archiving for St. Marie of the Blessed Educational Method, and has a summer gig doing research for her college mentor and, hopefully, figuring out where she wants to go.  We’ll see.

In the meantime, she still has to go back down to school and clear out her dorm room.   She’s got an “appointment” to do so next Monday and I may or may not take the day off and ride down with her.  The school is being fussy about the need to wear mask and gloves.  What with the Gel’s room having been sealed up for a couple months now, Ol’ Robbo is thinking a full bio-hazard suit might be the better bet.

UPDATE:  Whelp, final grades are in and Eldest will graduate Magna Cum Laude.  Ol’ Robbo is well pleased.

UPDATE DEUX:  Thankee, friends, for the congrats!  On a related note, Eldest went to get a smoothie this morning (and one for me, too!) and was accosted at the store by an elderly woman who told her she “really should be wearing a mask.”  The Gel just gave her the Death Stare.  Heh.


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