You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 8, 2020.

Greetings, my fellow port swillers!

One of the casualties of COVID-1984** is Youngest’s “Reveal Day” at school.  This was the day on which seniors were supposed to go to school dressed in tees, sweatshirts, and whatnot of the colleges and universities they’ll be attending this fall.

To work around this, the administrators are encouraging teh kidz to put together little five-to-fifteen second videos of themselves announcing their choices.  I gather the plan is to fadge them all together in a sort of electronic class collage.

Ol’ Robbo actually thinks it’s kind of a sweet idea.  If they can make it work, that is.  Our school district has not exactly covered itself with electronic glory since the lockdown began. (Rumor has it the head IT guy was sacked because the transition to Blackboard turned out to be such a pig’s breakfast.)

Anyhoo, I saw Youngest’s entry last evening. It’s pretty representative of the way her mind works.

In the first part, holding up a Hurricanes logo, she says, “Hi! I’m Youngest Port Swiller and this fall I’m going to Miami…..”

Suddenly the shot cuts and she reappears dressed head to toe in Redhawks gear, continuing, “of OHIOOOO!!!!” and laughing like a loon.

She then starts cranking Jason Aldean’s “Big Green Tractor” and the screen is filled with shots of cornfields with Youngest’s head photoshopped into them and the Ohio flag in one corner.

Yes, that’s my gel.

No final word on what the gel’s school is doing about graduation yet, by the bye.  Evidently they’re mulling over some kind of virtual ceremony, they may hold it live some time in the summah, or they may just cancel it altogether.  Eldest’s college graduation ceremony has been rescheduled to the long weekend in October, but I don’t think that’s a practical option for a high school.


** I saw somebody use this label the other day and immediately decided to steal it.  Fits the situation to a tee, I’m thinking.



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