You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 5, 2020.

Greetings, my fellow port swillers!

The other evening, the Star Trek: TOS episode was “The Way to Eden“.  Yes, the infamous Space Hippies one.

Although the leader of the band of hippies who take over the Enterprise was insane, his followers were essentially fleeing the technocratic authoritarianism that is the basis of the United Federation of Planets and seeking a simpler, free life.

I’ve seen this episode umpteen times before, of course, but this is the very first time I can remember saying to myself, “Self? They’re dirty hippies and have some serious misconceptions, but on the other hand they do have a point…..”

Yes, the longer Coronapalooza goes on, the deeper Ol’ Robbo’s skepticism and disgust becomes.  And no number of teevee ads featuring pictures of little girls chalking “Thank You!” and rainbows on their driveways for delivery guys is going to change that.

**makes pyramid with hands**


***”Coronoapalooza” – Robbo shorthand for my belief that to the extent this may have been a medical crisis – or at least a potential medical crisis – at the beginning, it has long since ceased to be so and is now a purely politickal exercise.  The longer the population remains bewildered and frightened, the greater the opportunity to hammer home the foundations of the Brave New World.

And yes, I know I’m perhaps straying into tin-foil hat territory.  But just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.


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May 2020