You are currently browsing the daily archive for January 11, 2009.

It’s time for me to start in on another book and I’ve been wondering which one to choose all day.  Posting on Vanity Fair below reminded me of a passage from Plum Wodehouse’s preface to his 1929 novel Summer Lightning, one of the mainstays of the Blandings Castle saga.  To wit:

A word about the title.  It is related of Thackeray that, hitting upon Vanity Fair after retiring to rest one night, he leaped out of bed and ran seven times round the room, shouting at the top of his voice.  Oddly enough, I behaved exactly the same way when I thought of Summer Lightning.  I recognized it immediately as the ideal title for a novel.  My exuberance has been a little diminished since by the discovery that I am not the only one who thinks highly of it.  Already I have been informed that two novels with the same name have been published in England, and my agent in America cables to say that three have recently been placed on the market in the United States.  As my story has appeared in serial form under its present label, it is too late to alter it now.  I can only express the modest hope that this story will be considered worthy of inclusion in the list of the Hundred Best Books Called Summer Lightning.

It seems to me that these connections are put in front of us for a purpose.  What better way to deal with the cold and dark of the next couple months than by going on a Wodehouse bender?

No more birthday sleepover parties…..evah!



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