You are currently browsing the daily archive for April 14, 2009.

“Why anyone should have troubled to crucify the Christ of Liberal Protestantism has always been a mystery.”

Archbishop William Temple, Readings in St. John’s Gospel, xxiv.


Filched from the comments in response to an article by Willis Moore, a very liberal Palie, over at TitusOneNine.

(With apologies to Mr. FLG? Feh.  Who was it who said something about beggars borrowing while geniuses steal?)

Because life isn’t exciting enough, we’re currently trying to put through what the kids like to call a “re-fi” on the old homestead.  To this end, I’ve been getting pesky demands for more financial information all day from Mrs. R and our mortgage guy.

Perhaps in the spirit of things, I’ve had this song running through my head:

Yes, a couple of days late, but nonetheless heartfelt.

Regular port-swillers will know, of course, that this was my first full-monty Triduum, and I am pleased to say that I went right the way through: Tenebrae service on Wednesday night, Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday Night, afternoon Mass on Good Friday and the Easter Vigil on Saturday night.  

Utterly amazing, utterly satisfying, but utterly exhausting.  By Sunday morning, as I was blearily singing my way through the hymns at RFEC, forgetting which verse I was on several times, I couldn’t help thinking “The Lord has risen, indeed, buy mayun do I need to go to bed!”

My brother and his family came for the weekend.  We also had some old family friends in early on Sunday afternoon.  So later on in the day, after the family friends had been got rid of, the gels and their cousins were off in the woods covering themselves in mud, the roast was busily cooking itself and our wives were elsewhere doing something else, imagine my delight in finding just my brother and myself quietly dozing in front of the Masters Tournament.  Imagine, also, my sense that I had earned it.


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April 2009