You are currently browsing the daily archive for December 4, 2022.

Greetings, my fellow port swillers!

Ol’ Robbo got to Mass extra early** this morning so I could stroll down to the greenery sale in the lower parking lot and buy a wreath to cannibalize for my dining room table Advent/Christmas centerpiece.*** As I came down the stairs, a couple small kids were hurling masses of waste trimmings into the fire in a 55-gallon drum, causing thick, heavy smoke to billow out on an impressive rate.

The fellah running things looked up as I came over and said, “Ah, you saw our smoke signal, did you?”

“No kidding,” I replied, “A column that thick is going to have every Comanche within a hundred miles down on this place!”

The fellah was good enough to laugh, but not before I caught a split-second of nervousness pass across his face. Perhaps he thought I was a bit nuts?

I do what I can.

** I should say earlier because I’m always one of the first to turn up for any given Church service, a habit hammered into my head by my mother back in the day (along with always, always wearing a tie). In her view, to be early was to be on time, to be on time was to be late, and to be late, well, you may as well not bother because you’re going to the Hot Place anyway. All fooling aside, it’s important to me to have enough time to get settled in and locked before the doings begin.

*** In the end, I decided this was the most sensible way to obtain green stuff for my table wreath after all.


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