Greetings, my fellow port swillers!

At Mass today, Father announced that next week we will be installing in our parish church a first-class relic of St. Teresa of Calcutta, thanks to an Albanian connection of one of our flock.

I mentioned this at dinner this evening, upon which Eldest said, “Oh, in one of my classes I brought up Mother Teresa and my prof started ranting about her ‘corruption'”. ***


A woman who dedicated her life – and struggled at it – to  ministering to the very dregs of humanity was…..corrupt.

I did a little innerwebs digging this evening.  It would seem the primary source of said criticism was….Christopher Hitchens.


I like much of what the late Hitch wrote about current events, but on this front? Naw, dog.

St. Teresa, ora pro nobis.


***Eldest was indignant.  This fuels my ultimate hope that she, along with her sisters and Mrs. R, may some day swim the Tiber as did Ol’ Robbo.