Greetings, my fellow port swillers!

What with Youngest’s college move-in being pushed back a month (which see the post below), Mrs. R and I were able yesterday instead to help Middle Gel get settled into her campus digs, which she otherwise would have had to manage on her own had we been absence in Ohio this week with Youngest.  So lemons and lemonade.  A few observations:

“Necessary” is a marvelously fluid word.  Without fundamentally altering the laws of physics, there is simply no way the pile of stuff Middle Gel assembled to take to school would have fit in just one car as originally planned.

Before they let us in, the school subjected us to a WuFlu pop quiz, which struck Ol’ Robbo as rayther absurd.  “Why, yes.  I just spent three hours on the interstate only to be denied entry because of these flu-like symptoms to which I will now cheerfully fess up.”  Mmmm-hmm.

And on that note, humping bins apparently full of lead ingots in from a hot garage while wearing a mask certainly took a few months off Ol’ Robbo’s life.

For all that, it was a remarkably neat and hassle-free trip.  We were allotted two hours to make the drop but had plenty of time not only to move all the Gel’s things in but also to go pick up some lunch and bring it back to her dorm.  The Gel is doing herself very not badly in accommodation this year.  She’s in a four-person suite in which each of them get not only their own bedroom but their own bathroom as well.  Coupled with a serviceable kitchen, an airy common room, in-suite washer and dryer, and garage parking, it’s a good bit nicer than any place I ever lodged in my academic days.  (In all fairness, she was stuck in the rattiest dorm on campus her freshman year so why should she not enjoy the advantages of being an upperclassman now?)

And speaking of the hot weather, as we passed over the York River on the way home, I beheld at least four different thunderheads looming at various points to the west and northwest.  I think we eventually hit all of them along the way.  Good times.