Idly flipping through the latest PBS magazine today, ol’ Robbo noticed that “American Masters” will be airing a tribute to Pete Seeger, who died last month, in a couple weeks.   The plug for the program includes this language:

“Largely misunderstood by his critics, including the U.S. government, for his views on peace, civil rights and ecology, Seeger went from the top of the hit parade to the top of the blacklist – banned from commercial television for more than 17 years.”

“Misunderstood”?  The man was a goddam Stalinist.   And the HUAC people didn’t know the  half of it.   Yeah, I know Seeger apologized later on, but his apology was of the “Whoopsie!” variety.  20 to 40 million of Uncle Joe’s “whoopsies” could not be reached for comment.   Also, I gather that while Seeger came to realize Stalin was, in fact, a Bad Man, he never understood that any system of collectivist utopianism is per se evil.

The column finishes thusly:

“His inspiring story is told by everyone from Bob Dylan to the Dixie Chicks and through a remarkable historical archive  – a history that Seeger himself helped create.”

A.)  Wow, what a cross-section of perspective, and B.) I’ll bet he did.

This sort of thing drives me nuts.  One strategic point  the collectivist/progressivist/New World Order types have grasped is that to control the narrative is to control the high ground of both history and the future.  You will notice that these people have infiltrated, and now dominate, the Academy, the Press and the Entertainment Industry, from which all modern cultural (and modern politickal) sensibilities flow.

What we do to fight back, I’m not sure that I know.  For myself, I suppose all I can do is chip away in blog posts read, probably, by no more than fifteen or twenty people.   Well, every little, right?

Now if you all will excuse me, it seems somebody is knocking at the door.  Strange, this time of night……..