You are currently browsing the monthly archive for February 2020.

Greetings, my fellow port swillers!

2020 promises to be a year of milestones at Port Swiller Manor and one of them occurred today when Youngest Gel’s O-fficial voter registration notice turned up in the mail. Yes, this will be the first year in which all five members of my household will be eligible to vote.

I knew this was coming, of course, but just looking at the card gives me quite a pleasurable feeling.

Part of that pleasure is based on a report Ol’ Robbo saw this week that rat-faced David “Camera” Hogg has taken to the twatters to try and recapture his lost fifteen minutes of fame by boldly predicting millions of angry yoot are going to rise up this fall, grind OrangeManBad into teh dust, and finally bring about the glorious socialist paradise which True Justice demands.

I chuckle because while I’m sure there are plenty of Lil’ Junior Marxists out there, the Gels….are not among their numbers.

It’s amazing how raising up kids grounded in Christianity, critical thinking skills and common sense can feel so naughtily subversive nowadays.

But that’s Ol’ Robbo:  Takin’ it to the Man Person.




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February 2020